“Logging operations
… The radiata pine plantation in the centre of Newnes Plateau requires tremendous inputs of nutrients and a large fire break to maintain the investment. Without huge fertilizer inputs the plantation would not be viable. To provide the needed nutrients, sewage sludge has been spread over the plantation at a rate of 30 tonnes a hectare, which causes significant pollution of the adjoining Newnes Plateau Shrub Swamps and downstream pristine environments within the World Heritage Area. The pine forest sits over an Aeolian dunefield of deep,
permeable, acidic sand and is the last place to dump sewage sludge. Bushwalkers, canyoners, the local community and conservationists were successful in their campaign to have this practice stopped believing it would compromise pristine waters running off the Plateau…”
Google Earth Image 9/29/2023. >1600ha pine clearfell seen in right of image. This was the area treated with sewage sludge.
p26/27 The Gardens of Stone Park Proposal. Keith Muir. The Colong Foundation for Wilderness
Blue Mountains Conservation Society The Colo Committee. Published by the Colong Foundation for Wilderness Ltd October 2005