2020/21: Norfolk Island – Town/Water Mill Creek

Norfolk Island Airport: Detailed Site Investigation into Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl
Substances (PFAS 2020) https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/dsi-
report-3-tables.pdf (Version 2)
Appendix B: Appended Tables
Table B5: Surface Water Soil Analytical Results Pages 47-59
January 2020

Surface Water PFHxS + PFOS

Town/Watermill Crk PWS DUCK_DAM 0.12 ug/l
TC SW02 0.09 ug/l

Tap Water PFHxS + PFOS

Town/Watermill Crk FRE TAP 1 8.63 ug/l
FRE TAP 2 22.3 ug/l

Norfolk Island Airport : Detailed Site Investigation into Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl
Substances (PFAS) 2021
Appendix B: Appended Tables
Table B5: Surface Water Soil Analytical Results Pages 47-59
March 2021 Version 2

Town/Water Mill Ck PFHxS + PFOS

TC SW 02 0.30 ug/l
TC SW 03 0.13 ug/l
TC SW 04 0.55 ug/l
TC SW 05 0.04 ug/l
TC SWO6 1.14 ug/l
TC SW 12 0.04 ug/l
TC SW 13 0.13 ug/l
Watermill Reservoir PWS_DUCK_DAM 0.09 ug/l