2017/19 – Glenelg North Waste Water Treatment Plant (South Australia) – PFAS, PFOS

PFAS Detections Glenelg WWTP

Glenelg WWTP     #40556

Glenelg WWTP C&D Plant Final Effluent Outlet 21/3/2017 PFOS 0.04 ug/l (40ng/l)

Glenelg WWWTP #40555   Glenelg WWTP B Plant Final Effluent A/C 21/3/2017 PFOS 0.04 ug/l (40 ng/l)

GARWS (Greater Adelaide Recycled Water Scheme) Effluent Product Water

#40550 Glenelg RWTP – outlet to chlorine contact pipe

21/3/2017 PFOS 0.02 ug/l (20 ng/l)

4050 Glenelg WWTP Sewage

21/3/2017 PFOS 0.05ug/L (50 ng/L)

GHD Report for Air services Australia – Adelaide Airport Environmental Site Assessment, 3318931

April 2019


7.4 Off-airport water use on other properties

Extract Page 23

The University Playing Fields utilise recycled water from the Glenelg North Waste Water Treatment Plant. The recycled water has been tested for PFAS by Adelaide Airport Limited**, and was found to have detectable concentrations below the drinking water criterion of 0.07 μg/L.

The presence of detectable concentrations of PFAS in recycled water would be contributing to the contaminant load of PFAS within the aquifer, however the significance of this is likely to be minimal, but may warrant further investigation to confirm