777 Abernethy Road, Forrestfield (Western Australia)
Soil excavated by the Forrestfield‑Airport Link project is being temporarily stored to ensure that construction continues to progress on schedule. Temporary storage of soil is being undertaken in accordance with current PFAS environmental management practices and a suite of project‑specific environmental management plans.
The temporary soil storage location at 777 Abernethy Road in Forrestfield is classified as remediated for restricted use under the CS Act (and listed on the Contaminated Sites Database) due to residual contaminants (asbestos containing materials in soil, and metals and nutrients in groundwater) from a former land use – unrelated to the Forrestfield‑Airport Link project. Baseline testing for PFAS was undertaken at the site before stockpiling commenced. Levels of PFOS in soil ranged from not detected up to 0.0575 milligrams per kilogram, and in groundwater from 0.003 to 0.083 micrograms per litre.