2017/18 – Biloela (Queensland) – PFHxS

“As part of Queensland-wide testing for PFAS/PFOA in town water systems, a detection was
made for Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) in the Biloela town water supply. The
detection was close the limit of what the laboratory could detect, and was well below the
recently established health guidelines. No adverse health effects are anticipated. A program of
ongoing periodic testing has commenced to monitor any changes.” Banana Shire Drinking Water Quality Management Plan 2017/18

2017/18 – Biloela (Queensland) – PFHxS

2017/18 – Biloela (Queensland) – PFHxS

“As part of Queensland-wide testing for PFAS/PFOA in town water systems, a detection was
made for Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) in the Biloela town water supply. The
detection was close the limit of what the laboratory could detect, and was well below the
recently established health guidelines. No adverse health effects are anticipated. A program of
ongoing periodic testing has commenced to monitor any changes.” Banana Shire Drinking Water Quality Management Plan 2017/18