Wagga Wagga RAAF Base

The Department of Defence has undertaken detailed investigations into per-and-poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination stemming from the historical use of fire-fighting foams at RAAF Base Wagga.Investigations have found PFAS in biota, soil, surface and groundwater both on and offsite. The detection of PFAS is not unexpected given the past use of PFAS-containing fire-fighting foams at the site. PFAS has also been used in many domestic and industrial products and background levels may be present from these other sources.A small number of residents at surrounding properties have been supplied with tailored precautionary advice to reduce their exposure to PFAS. This advice does not apply to the wider Wagga community.

Defence per and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Environment Preliminary
Sampling Program RAAF Base Wagga Final Report September 2016 (GHD)
RAAF Base Wagga Offsite
Extract Page 11. Table 8 Summary of analytical results for PFOS, PFOA and 6.2 FTS
WAG GW047281 15/6/2016: PFOS 0.04 ug/l PFOS+PFHxS 0.05ug/l
WAG SW001 15/6/2016 PFOS: 0.10 ug/l PFOS+ PFHxS 0.18ug/l

WAG SW002 15/6/2016 PFOS 0.08 ug/l
PFOS+PFHxS 0.13ug/l

Page 108 Table 12.34: Summary of off-Base groundwater bores not used for drinking water
supply with PFAS concentrations above LOR
20/6/2017: RAAF observation well for Bore 5* MW 215 PFOS+PFHxS 0.06 ug/l
9 /1/2018: Irrigation MW 223 PFOS+PFHxS 0.30 ug/l
12/1/2018: Irrigation of lawns and garden
(no food production) * MW 233 PFOS+PFHxS 0.28 ug/l
18/1/2018: Irrigation MW 234 PFOS+PFHxS 0.08 ug/l
*Footnote: These bores are currently in use

2016/18 – Wagga Wagga RAAF Base and offsite bores (New South Wales) – PFAS

Wagga Wagga RAAF Base

The Department of Defence has undertaken detailed investigations into per-and-poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination stemming from the historical use of fire-fighting foams at RAAF Base Wagga.Investigations have found PFAS in biota, soil, surface and groundwater both on and offsite. The detection of PFAS is not unexpected given the past use of PFAS-containing fire-fighting foams at the site. PFAS has also been used in many domestic and industrial products and background levels may be present from these other sources.A small number of residents at surrounding properties have been supplied with tailored precautionary advice to reduce their exposure to PFAS. This advice does not apply to the wider Wagga community.

Defence per and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Environment Preliminary
Sampling Program RAAF Base Wagga Final Report September 2016 (GHD)
RAAF Base Wagga Offsite
Extract Page 11. Table 8 Summary of analytical results for PFOS, PFOA and 6.2 FTS
WAG GW047281 15/6/2016: PFOS 0.04 ug/l PFOS+PFHxS 0.05ug/l
WAG SW001 15/6/2016 PFOS: 0.10 ug/l PFOS+ PFHxS 0.18ug/l

WAG SW002 15/6/2016 PFOS 0.08 ug/l
PFOS+PFHxS 0.13ug/l

4.Off Base Groundwater Bore
Page 108 Table 12.34: Summary of off-Base groundwater bores not used for drinking water
supply with PFAS concentrations above LOR
20/6/2017: RAAF observation well for Bore 5* MW 215 PFOS+PFHxS 0.06 ug/l
9 /1/2018: Irrigation MW 223 PFOS+PFHxS 0.30 ug/l
12/1/2018: Irrigation of lawns and garden
(no food production) * MW 233 PFOS+PFHxS 0.28 ug/l
18/1/2018: Irrigation MW 234 PFOS+PFHxS 0.08 ug/l
*Footnote: These bores are currently in use