Investigating recycled water use as a diffuse source of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) to groundwater in Melbourne, Australia.

Science of the Total Environment 644 (2018) 1409–1417

Campaign 1 1b:

PFPeA: 0.74 ng/L PFHxA 2.1 ng/L, PFOA 3.0 ng/L, PFBS 6.3 ng/L, PFPeS 1.9 ng/L,  PFHxS 7.7 ng/L, PFOS 5.9 ng/L

Campaign 2 1a:

PFBA 286⁎ ng/L,  PFPeA 0.97 ng/L, PFHxA 1203 ng/L⁎,  PFOA 1.1 ng/L, PFDA 0.15 ng/L, PFBS 2.1 ng/L, PFHxS 3.6 ng/L,  PFOS 2.9 ng/L, 6:2 FTS 0.19 ng/L

*above limit of quantitation.

2017-18: Werribee South Site 1 (Victoria) – PFPeA, PFHxA, PFOA, PFBS, PFPeS, PFHxS, PFOS, PFBA, PFDA, 6:2 FTS

Investigating recycled water use as a diffuse source of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) to groundwater in Melbourne, Australia.

Science of the Total Environment 644 (2018) 1409–1417

Campaign 1 1b:

PFPeA: 0.74 ng/L, PFHxA 2.1 ng/L, PFOA 3.0 ng/L, PFBS 6.3 ng/L, PFPeS 1.9 ng/L,  PFHxS 7.7 ng/L, PFOS 5.9 ng/L

Campaign 2 1a:

PFBA 286⁎ ng/L,  PFPeA 0.97 ng/L, PFHxA 1203 ng/L⁎,  PFOA 1.1 ng/L, PFDA 0.15 ng/L, PFBS 2.1 ng/L, PFHxS 3.6 ng/L,  PFOS 2.9 ng/L, 6:2 FTS 0.19ng/L

*above limit of quantitation.