2018 April: Hobart Airport Sinclair Creek (1) (Tasmania). PFOS + PFHxS

Air services Australia Hobart Airport Targeted PFAS Investigation Sinclair Creek; Five Mile Beach June 2018 GHD
1. Surface Water Sinclair Creek Water Samples
Recreational Levels 0.7ug/l PFHxS + PFOS 5.6 ug/l PFOA

11/4/18 Downstream of Runway on Sinclair Crk SC3W 14.3ug/L
11/4/18 Downstream of Runway on Sinclair Crk SC3W PM* 4.45ug/L
11/4/18 Downstream NE Runway on Sinclair Crk SC4W 3.64ug/L

Air services Australia Hobart Airport Targeted PFAS Investigation Sinclair Creek; Five Mile Beach
June 2018 GHD
2.Soil/Sediment The report shows guidelines shown for soil/sediment levels
Sinclair Creek Soil/Sediment Samples

PFOS+PFHxS Site/Depth mm mg/kg

11/4/18 Downstream of Runway on Sinclair Crk SC2S (0-100mm) 0.0138mg/kg
11/4/18 Downstream of Runway on Sinclair Crk SC2S (150-300mm) 0.0262mg/kg
11/4/18 Downstream of Runway on Sinclair Crk SC3S (0-100mm) 0.081mg/kg
11/4/18 Downstream of Runway on Sinclair Crk SC3S (150-300mm) 0.0002mg/kg
11/4/18 Downstream NE Runway on Sinclair Crk SC4S (0-100mm) 0.0053mg/kg
11/4/18 Downstream NE Runway on Sinclair Crk SC4S (150-300mm) 0.0014mg/kg